Journal of Information Systems Applied Research


V13 N3 Pages 21-28

Nov 2020

Understanding Campus Crime with a Multi-University Analytics System

Douglas Kline
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC USA

Ron Vetter
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC USA

Ulku Clark
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC USA

Abstract: Due to budget challenges, the campus police department of (blank for now) engaged in a data-driven performance management effort. To support this effort, publicly available data from multiple sources was integrated into rigorous data model in a single MS SQL Server database with interactive reporting using MS SQL Server Reporting Services. The data consisted of publicly available crime statistics for 38 universities, as well as characteristics such as Carnegie classification, acreage, budget, number of students, etc. The purpose of the system was to benchmark the campus police department against peer, aspirant, and other similar universities. This paper describes the architecture of the system, the benefits to the police department, and sample analytics.

Download this article: JISAR - V13 N3 Page 21.pdf

Recommended Citation: Kline, D., Vetter, R., Clark, U., (2020). Understanding Campus Crime with a Multi-University Analytics System. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research13(3) pp 21-28. http://JISAR.org/2020-3/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2019