Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 16

V16 N2 Pages 4-13

Jul 2023

Influence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study

Amit Pandey
FHLBank PIttsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA

Sushma Mishra
Robert Morris University
Pittsburgh, PA USA

Abstract: Decision-making in organizations is influenced by the perception of executives in management roles. Information Technology (IT) investment budget forms a significant portion of the overall budget in organizations. These investment decisions are made by executives who perceive IT to play certain roles in supporting organizational objectives and mission. It is critical to understand these perceptions about IT that allow resources to flow (or not) toward critical IT solutions and maintenance. This study explores the perceptions of high-level executives about the role of IT in an organization’s success. A case study is performed at a financial institution in the northeast region of the United States. The results indicate that there are four types of the dominant role of IT, as suggested by the data. These are 1) IT as a strategic partner, 2) IT as a support function, 3) IT as a facilitator, and 4) IT as a business enabler. Further analysis suggests that the role of an executive in an organization is related to how they perceive IT’s role. This study also suggests that the CIO reporting structure in an organization might influence how the role of IT is perceived in an organization. Implications for research and practice are drawn, and future research directions are suggested.

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Recommended Citation: Pandey, A., Mishra, S., (2023). Influence of Reporting structure and Perception of Role of Information Technology on Decision-making: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research16(2) pp 4-13. http://JISAR.org/2023-2/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2022