Volume 16
Abstract: To investigate the state-of-the-art of virtual reality in special education, we reviewed the related research over the past ten years. Strategies and approaches of the study design have been characterized and categorized based on their research focuses. Both perspectives from the special educators and the students with special needs are addressed. This study reveals that immersive virtual reality is effective in special education, while challenges still remain in this area. We provide insights for future studies and also call for more collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and educators. Download this article: JISAR - V16 N3 Page 68.pdf Recommended Citation: Li, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, C., (2023). Virtual Reality in Special Education: An Application Review. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research16(3) pp 68-80. http://JISAR.org/2023-3/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2022 |