Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 17

V17 N1 Pages 33-41

Apr 2024

Integrating Virtual and Augmented Reality with Brain-Computer Interfaces for ADHD and ASD Management: A Preliminary Review

Maximus Streeter
SUNY Brockport
Brockport, NY USA

Zhigang Li
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA USA

Joy Li
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA USA

Chi Zhang
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA USA

Xin Tian
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA USA

Selena He
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA USA

Abstract: To review current and past applications of brain-computer interfaces in combination with augmented or virtual reality technologies in the intervention of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, we reviewed the related literature during the past 13 years since 2010. The literature review was categorized based on the focus of the studies. While more investigation is needed to thoroughly investigate the results and impact of these experiments, it has been shown that the experiments tested in the literature are mostly successful in intervention and diagnosis. We discuss relevant observations that may help future studies and inspire collaboration among researchers and partitioners in the field.

Download this article: JISAR - V17 N1 Page 33.pdf

Recommended Citation: Streeter, M., Li, Z., Li, J., Zhang, C., Tian, X., He, S., (2024). Integrating Virtual and Augmented Reality with Brain-Computer Interfaces for ADHD and ASD Management: A Preliminary Review. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research 17(1) pp 33-41. https://doi.org/10.62273/VDBZ9371