Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 17

V17 N1 Pages 42-52

Apr 2024

Investigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis

Alan Peslak
Penn State University
University Park, PA USA

Wendy Ceccucci
Quinnipiac University
Hamden, CT USA

Kiku Jones
Quinnipiac University
Hamden, CT USA

Lori Leonard
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK USA

Abstract: This paper explores the association between developer job satisfaction and life satisfaction on a global scale. With the increasing prominence of the software development industry and its impact on individuals' professional and personal lives, understanding the connection between job satisfaction and overall life satisfaction becomes crucial. We present a comprehensive analysis based on data collected from diverse regions and cultures, aiming to determine the magnitude of the correlation between these two constructs. Through a systematic review of existing literature, surveys, and empirical studies, we compile a robust dataset encompassing responses from developers across different countries and career stages. To assess job satisfaction, we used a worldwide survey from StackOverflow. Life satisfaction is evaluated from the World Values Survey, the Human Development Index, and the World Happiness Report. We grouped the world into logical geographic regions to discover key insights. Our findings reveal a modest correlation between developer job satisfaction and life satisfaction worldwide. Despite the significant impact of job satisfaction on one's professional life, the influence on overall life satisfaction appears to be more nuanced. While several studies have reported positive associations between the two constructs, our analysis suggests that the correlation is relatively weak, indicating that job satisfaction alone cannot fully predict an individual's level of life satisfaction.

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Recommended Citation: Peslak, A., Ceccucci, W., Jones, K., Leonard, L., (2024). Investigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research 17(1) pp 42-52. https://doi.org/10.62273/UFMR5574