Volume 17
Abstract: This study investigated the factors influencing the acceptance of big data analytics in healthcare. Big data analytics can improve many aspects of healthcare, including diagnostics, service provision, and patient outcomes. A cross-sectional online survey was administered to N = 132 professionals working in the U.S. healthcare industry. The use of regression analysis determined the extent of the predictive relationships between the variables. The findings support previous research linking big data analytics to performance improvements in healthcare and other industries by highlighting performance expectancy’s significance as a predictor of behavioral intentions. The mixed results suggest that the UTAUT has limited explanatory power when studying big data analytics adoption in healthcare settings. Future research should focus on developing a theory that explains big data analytics acceptance and use based on information security risks, implementation costs, and user aversion to technology. Download this article: JISAR - V17 N2 Page 31.pdf Recommended Citation: Mohammed, A., Lind, M., (2024). Examining Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research 17(2) pp 31-44. https://doi.org/10.62273/QNDU3179 |