Volume 7
Abstract: Social networks and the propagation of content within social networks have received an extensive attention during the past few years. Social network content propagation is believed to depend on the similarity of users as well as on the existence of friends in the social network. Our former investigation of the YouTube social network showed that strangers (non-friends and non-followers) play a more important role in content propagation than friends. In this paper, we analyze user communities within the YouTube social network and apply various similarity measures on them. We investigate the degree of similarity in communities versus the entire social network. We found that communities are formed from similar users. At the same time, we found that there are no large similarity values between friends in YouTube communities. Keywords: Social Network Analysis, Similarity, Social Ties, Influence, YouTube Download this article: JISAR - V7 N4 Page 14.pdf Recommended Citation: Afrasiabi Rad, A., Benyoucef, M. (2014). Similarity and Ties in Social Networks A Study of the YouTube Social Network . Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 7(4) pp 14-24. http://jisar.org/2014-7/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2013) |