Volume 3

Volume 3, Number 7

April 19, 2010

10 pages425 K bytes

Teaching Knowledge Management (KM) in Criminal Justice Education: The Influence of Information Systems

Samuel S. Conn
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 USA

Charles N. Thies
Tulane University
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 USA

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is emerging as an important topic among criminal justice agencies. The growing use of information management systems and the use of mobile technologies to rapidly share large amounts of information among law enforcement agencies now require that law enforcement officers become efficient at managing their intellectual capital. As movement occurs from the information age to the knowledge age, modern law enforcement agencies are frequently using a community policing approach to their law enforcement activities. Community policing is a law enforcement approach to policing where tacit knowledge is often developed and should be captured and preserved. In this paper the authors apply a literature review to KM concepts and investigate how KM can be applied to modern law enforcement organizations. The audience for this investigation is any law enforcement administrator interested in introducing KM concepts in their organization.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, KM, knowledge workers, knowledge-based management systems, knowledge-oriented policing, police knowledge systems, knowledge-oriented police officers, police tacit knowledge, police knowledge management model

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Recommended Citation: Conn and Thies (2010). Teaching Knowledge Management (KM) in Criminal Justice Education: The Influence of Information Systems. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 3 (7). http://jisar.org/3/7/. ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2008: §5143..)